The Mouse Lysosome Gene Database

The Lysosome Gene Database is an ongoing effort to catalogue genes encoding lysosomal proteins. For each lysosomal gene, LGDB provides information on miRNA-genes interactions.

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Proteomics Studies (view) - (select all | none)

 Proteomics analysis of serum from mutant mice reveals lysosomal proteins selectively transported by each of the two mannose 6-phosphate receptors.
Qian M, Mol Cell Proteomics 2008 PubMed

 Lysosomal membranes from beige mice contain higher than normal levels of endoplasmic reticulum proteins.
Zhang H, J Proteome Res 2007 PubMed

 Proteomic analysis of lysosomal acid hydrolases secreted by osteoclasts: implications for lytic enzyme transport and bone metabolism.
Czupalla C, Mol Cell Proteomics 2006 PubMed

 Identification of sites of mannose 6-phosphorylation on lysosomal proteins.
Sleat DE, Mol Cell Proteomics 2006 PubMed

 Identification of novel lysosomal matrix proteins by proteome analysis.
Kollmann K, Proteomics 2005 PubMed

Databases (view) - (select all | none)

 UniProt archive.
Leinonen R, Bioinformatics 2004 PubMed

 KEGG: kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes.
Kanehisa M, Nucleic Acids Res 2000 PubMed

 Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. The Gene Ontology Consortium.
Ashburner M, Nat Genet 2000 PubMed

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